Trip Info

March 23-27, 2023

Tulum, Mexico

Back to Tulum

So this birthday was suppose to be in France, but I rescheduled that for July 2023 cause I was not trying to get people to fight 30 degree weather. This trip will be the same as every trip every year. ATV, Zipline, Boat, Cave Swimming, Day Party, Dinners where people breath fire, etc. You can expect to come and enjoy yourself cause that's the energy. You will also be given the opportunity to be a "Hoe on a Boat," cause honestly we all secretly want that. Come live your best life with drugs and alcohol. If you end up in Mexican jail it's fine. Wouldn't be the first time. Last time we were in Tulum we got a noise complaint slapped on the door and I believe there is a story that I won't get into cause that was the past and everybody survived. This is me being honest about how God made me and how my gatherings tend to turn out. My mom and dad decided to have sex and made me so I really don't have a choice but to be here so we might as well spill champagne on a boat and jump into caves.

Top things to know

how to get to tulum

Feel free to email or whatsapp us with any questions. +1.713.322.8627

AIrport code



1 United States Dollar equals
18.53 Mexican Peso


You DO NOT need a text to get in, but we suggest having your vaccination card on hand.

B a c k T o T o p B a c k T o T o p